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5 Summer Woes Women Experience (and How to Avoid Them)

Ah, summertime. But is the living really easy? As much as we adore longer days, basking in the sun, and breaking out our favorite summer fashions, there are a few things us ladies dread when the season turns. Here’s our top five summer beauty peeves—and some solutions to make sure you can focus on having… Continue Reading

Want to Avoid Counterfeit Skincare? Don’t Shop Online

The ability to browse, click, purchase, and have your favorite products delivered right to your door is pretty amazing. Online shopping can be a time and money saver, but sometimes the risks outweigh the advantages, particularly when it comes to medical-grade skincare. The Baylor College of Medicine recently published a piece highlighting some of the… Continue Reading

Take the Obalon Weight Loss Challenge!

If You Have the Will to Lose the Weight, We Have a Way: The Obalon Balloon System Are you looking to lose between 15 and 50 pounds? If so, you might be a candidate for the Obalon Balloon System the first and only swallowable, FDA-approved, non-surgical balloon system for weight loss! Join the Weight Loss… Continue Reading

Giving Your Weight Loss a Competitive Edge: Your Obalon Experience at LJCSC

Let s Face It Weight loss can be a difficult thing, which is why so many people struggle. The reason it can be hard (besides resisting break room donuts), is that for weight loss to truly work you need more than just a diet and exercise program you need a support system. And we have it!… Continue Reading

Facing Up to a Facelift

Well, I have finally made the decision. It’s taken some time and I, like most patients, have tried to stave off Father Time with some facelift alternatives such as injectables, CoolSculpt, and other non-invasives. But there comes a time when minor measures just won’t work anymore. So I’ve scheduled my facelift. I’ve wanted to do… Continue Reading

Melissa Knew Her Nose Was in Good Hands from the Start

As a focal point of your face, your nose can have a considerable impact on the rest of your features.  And if you re unhappy with the size or shape of your nose, it can make it difficult to feel comfortable and confident—which is something Melissa experienced for 20 years. Everyone has been so pleasant and… Continue Reading

Taking Weight Loss Results to the Next Level

After carrying twins full-term and shedding the excess weight that had bothered her most of her life, Cindy knew she could take her own life in hand and make better choices for herself. She worked with a nutritionist to make healthier food choices, started regularly going to the gym, and made major lifestyle changes. I… Continue Reading

Danielle Gets Her Perfect Breasts After a Long Wait!

The decision to have cosmetic surgery is one that takes a lot of thought—four years, to be exact, in Danielle s case! That s how long she dreamed of having her perfect breasts and contemplated breast augmentation. Now, her only regret is waiting so long. Looking back, I wish I had done it sooner. I am so… Continue Reading

5 Totally Scrumptious, Healthy Summer Eats to Enjoy (Regardless of Your Diet!)

There’s just something special about munching on quintessential warm-weather treats during the summertime. Unfortunately, the all-American grilled cheeseburgers, potato salad, and sugary desserts at every neighborhood barbeque don’t do much for one’s health—or waistline. Whether you’re trying to cut calories, have medical dietary restrictions, or have made a lifestyle choice to eat a certain way,… Continue Reading

Mom of 7 Gets the Full Treatment

As a mother to seven children (yes, seven!), Janice was seeing some pretty noticeable changes to her face and body, thanks to the toll of aging and childbearing. For around five years, she contemplated surgery and began researching her options. Janice knew she wanted to make a change, but didn t want to lose herself in the… Continue Reading